Super Bowl Recipe: Texas WHEATies
Texas Wheat Syrup Ingredients
- 4 parts Malt Syrup
- 4 part Maple Syrup
- 1 part Saint Arnold Texas Wheat
Batter Ingredients
- 3 Cups + 2 Tablespoons All Purpose Flour
- ½ Teaspoons Salt
- 1.5 Tablespoons Baking Powder
- 2 Tablespoons Sugar
- 2/3 cup dry milk
- 2 Whole Large Eggs
- 1 Tablespoon Vanilla
- 1/2 Stick of Butter
- 1 and 3/4 Cup Saint Anorld Texas Wheat
- 1/4 Cup Beer Syrup
- 1/4 lb uncooked pork regular flavor breakfast sausage
Preparation Instructions
- Brown and crumble sausage in pan and add 1/2 cup Saint Arnold Texas Wheat when sausage is fully cooked.
- Turn off heat and leave for 5-10 minutes
- Mix together dry milk and Saint Arnold Texas Wheat in separate bowl until combined
- Mix together remaining dry ingredients into another large bowl.
- Add eggs, vanilla, and beer syrup to bowl with dry milk & Texas Wheat, stir until combined
- Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients, stirring very gently until just combined.
- Melt butter and add it to the batter, stirring gently to combine.
- Ladle out batter mixture into buttered pan
- Sprinkle crumbled sausage evenly into cooking pancake
- Flip pancake when golden brown on bottom
- Paint beer syrup over cooked side of pancake with brush
- Flip once more when golden brown on bottom
- Paint other side of pancake with Texas Wheat syrup
- Serve with melted butter and additional Texas Wheat syrup
Photo credit: Groovehouse as published in Houston Press