3 Articles Found

Texas Technology Companies Have New Public Relations Target

Technology companies throughout the state of Texas have a new public relations opportunity. Texas Technology magazine is being launched to shine the spotlight on the incredible technology advances being driven by the state''s tech leaders.

Texas Small Business Economy Humming

A new study of Texas small businesses bodes well for the state''s public relations pros. The Texas Small-Business ConditionsSM report from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)/Texas found that the outlook for Texas’ small-business economy is positive, with two thirds saying the business outlook is good in the next three months. Public relations spending typically correlates closely to business sentiment.

Survey Finds Public Relations Gaining Prominence in the Overall Marketing Mix

A recent survey shows that public relations is poised for a more prominent role in the overall marketing mix. However, the survey of senior marketings found that opinions are divided on the current function of the public relations discipline.