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185 Articles Found

Public relations: does it belong in the Journalism School?

Are journalists and public relations practitioners adversaries? We don''t think so. The two to have a symbiotic relationship. Further, a sizable percentage of journalists eventually enter the public relations field, so having them schooled in the fundamentals of the discipline makes a lot of sense, but the debate still simmers.

Why your organization needs media interview skills training

The CEOs we train often tell us that a journalist''s job is to sensationalize the story without regard for the facts. Many feel journalists are primarily interested in making their subjects look bad. With this point of view, is it any wonder that corporate leaders often play defense when they find themselves scrutinized by journalists?

Time for newspaper industry to drop "paper" from their name

The newspaper industry in the U.S. and Canada is reporting that Web traffic at newspaper sites is rising dramatically, with more people spending more time at newspaper Web sites. Both the overall number and percentage of Internet users visiting newspaper Web sites hit new all-time highs in November 2005, according to a new report by Nielsen//NetRatings for the NAA.

The Truth Behind Arctic Monkeys Buzz -- They Are SO January!

What can a band named the Arctic Monkeys possibly teach the public relations community about the anatomy of buzz? This article details how the community of bloggers and the mainstream media have a symbiotic relationship that helps brands and ideas explode onto the scene.

Media interview skills fundamentals: what to wear

What a person looks like while delivering a message must be consistent with the message being delivered or it will have a significant impact on how the message is perceived. This article explores how to minimize having what you look like distract from your message.

Houston Dynamo Introduced as Team Hopes to End Houston 1836 Controversy

The team formerly known as Houston 1836 will now be the Houston Dynamo. Okay, the new name is pretty lame, but at least it doesn''t insult and offend the primary fan base of the team. The team''s news release says the new name will be "inclusive to all fans." Brilliant idea.

Good Thing the (Former) CEO of RadioShack Doesn''t Read Dilbert

Our crisis communications training seminars often include scenarios regarding personal indiscretions of the CEO -- sexual harrassment, substance abuse or financial misdeeds, for instance. The purpose is to get attendees thinking about the point at which the interests of their CEO diverges from the interests of the company and its shareholders.

Media interview skills training sometimes comes down to a close shave

If you have great news to communicate, but your spokesperson shifts into low gear and lacks appropriate positive energy and enthusiasm when stepping into the spotlight, your news will be interpreted as far less positive than it otherwise would be. This article explores the importance of the voice and non-verbal communications skills.

Super Advertising Uses Public Relations to Maximize Impact and Make a Personal Connection

I like to get out of the house on Super Sunday to see the ads and to get a sense of what really captures the imagination of the audience despite all the noise and distractions. However, in an age when marketing is becoming more personalized, it''s hard to make the case that Super Bowl ads are really a great idea.

Houston 1836: A Branding Blunder?

The controversy surrounding the naming of Houston''s newest sport franchise offers an important lesson for businesses entering ethnically diverse areas. Don''t insult your core customer and show yourself to be disconnected at best and callous and uncaring at worst by failing to fully consider their point of view.