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185 Articles Found

Tweeting Over Twitter: Is There a Public Relations Use?

The public relations community is being pulled kicking a screaming into the brave new world of Social Media. DPK Public Relations has helped clients leverage opportunities online and offers advice.

Fundamentals for Fixing Negative News Coverage

Mark Twain once said something like, "Never get in a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrell," and I have periodically repeated that advice to clients licking their wounds from negative media coverage. Here's an interesting study of what not to do when you feel victimized by poor reporting.

How will Belo spinoff change environment for Houston public relations and Dallas public relations?

Is this week''s announcement that Belo Corp. plans to spin off its newspaper business to create separate television and newspaper companies the first step toward putting its newspaper group on the market? We examine the public relations implications.

So What Do YOU Think of Journalists?

DPK Public Relations President Dan Keeney relates the story of being confronted by a journalist who disagreed with his unflattering portrayal of those in the fourth estate. He explains that rather than obsess about the media, spokespersons need to focus on what THEY can do to powerfully deliver their messages.

DPK Public Relations President Comments on Michael Vick Apology in Esquire

Dan Keeney of DPK Public Relations cuts Michael Vick some slack in this article in Esquire, in which reporter Meryl Rothstein contacted five experts in the field of apologies to rate Mr. Vick''s four-and-a-half minute adventure in public contrition.

Defining PowerPoint''s Proper Place in Presentations

PowerPoint is marking its 20th anniversary, but there remains a general misunderstanding of its role in helping presenters grab an audience. Click here to find out why your presentations are so yawn inducing.

Survey Finds Consumers Not Forgiving or Forgetting Company Mistakes

A new survey from Harris Interactive found that 15 percent of respondents would never again purchase a recalled brand while 21percent would avoid using any brand made by the manufacturer of the recalled product. Clearly, consumers today have more options than ever and they will abandon a company and its brands if it makes a mistake.

DPK Public Relations President Quoted in Reuters Article on Blackstone CEO

The audacious lifestyle and otherworldly compensation of the CEO of Blackstone Group is prompting a fair amount of criticism and scrutiny. DPK Public Relations'' President, Dan Keeney, was interview for the following story from Reuters about the backlash: Blackstone CEO''s high profile sparks backlashNEW YORK (Reuters) - If private equity firms had aimed to steer clear of political controversy heading into an election year, the message may have been lost on Stephen Schwarzman. The CEO and co-founder of Blackstone Group this week became a lightning rod for criticism over perceptions that he makes too much money and leads an overly lavish lifestyle. Blackstone revealed his stake in the firm could be worth $7.73 billion after its initial public offering this month and that he will get a one-off payout of up to $677.2 million. One of his private staff also exposed …

Reputation Management for Paris Hilton?

If you were calling the shots in Paris Hilton''s inner circle, how would you manage her re-emergence as a cultural icon? This is your opportunity to tell the heiress what to do and describe how you will make her do it.

Why "No Comment" is Never an Acceptable Response

When faced with difficult questions, it''s common for untrained spokesperson to commit the cardinal sin of saying, "no comment." Doing so raises suspicions about the organization and casts a negative light on everything you say and do. Dan Keeney examines alternatives to taking the easy way out.