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185 Articles Found

Survey Finds Public Relations Gaining Prominence in the Overall Marketing Mix

A recent survey shows that public relations is poised for a more prominent role in the overall marketing mix. However, the survey of senior marketings found that opinions are divided on the current function of the public relations discipline.

DPK Public Relations Client Featured in Houston Business Journal

DPK Public Relations client Energy Maintenance Services Group I, LLC (EMS Group) was featured in the recent Houston Business Journal article "Power Play," published on March 18, 2005 (under Strategies - Information for Emerging Companies). Click here to read the article. If DPK Public Relations can help your organization increase its visibility and get its story out, contact Dan Keeney, APR at dan@keeneypr.com or dial 214-432-7556.

When the CEO is on the record: Media coaches offer advice on how to avoid verbal missteps

In this article on the subject of media interview training, published on February 12, 2005 in Canada''s National Post, DPK Public Relations'' Dan Keeney, APR, advocates being prepared and taking control. Reporter Gigi Suhanic reports that what a chief executive says before TV cameras or in print can affect a company''s reputation by as much as 50%. Given what is at stake and that there are any number of gleeful bloggers out there to pounce on a verbal misstep, media training has become ver

A Whale of a Crisis in Oregon (originally published in Public Relations Tactics, Dec. 1998)

The term “hostile takeover” usually conjures images of warriors in dark suits doing battle in boardrooms. They involve big bucks, backroom deals and blind ambition. However, takeovers can strike organizations in many different forms, all of which can cause severe damage to an organization’s reputation. The loss of control, even if temporary, sends powerful signals to those inside and outside a company. How an organization has planned for and responds to these critical events can determine its ul

Keeney offers saving grace under fire

This feature article highlights what it takes to excel in crisis communications, revealing that Dan Keeney, APR, president of DPK Public Relations, started in the news business at the age of eight and paid his dues in the trenches of broadcast journalism before becoming a respected public relations practitioner. The article appeared in Bylines, a publication of the University of Colorado School of Journalism & Mass Communications of which Keeney is a proud alumnus.

Don''t wait until crisis hits to establish a company plan of action (Originally published in the Houston Business Journal)

It is not a question of if, but when, a business will face a crisis situation. This article, originally published in the November 12, 2004 edition of the Houston Business Journal, explores the keys to successfully protecting, and even enhancing, an organization''s reputation.

Protecting Corporate Reputations During Crises (originally published in the March 1997 issue of PR Tactics)

This is an article I wrote a while back that was originally published in PR Tractics in March 1997, but I think it is as pertinent today as the day I wrote it.

Your Bill of Rights During the Interview

Everything from free speech to owning property is protected by the Bill of Rights. That doesn''t mean there aren''t limits to every right. Same goes in the constant give and take that goes on around the clock between sources and journalists. This article captures the rights interview subjects should insist upong and discusses a few rights that interviewees may think they deserve, but they should not count on.

Case Study: Tobacco Free Coalition of Oregon

It seems like a long time ago, but it has been less than a decade since tobacco executives testified to Congress insisting they didn't know nicotine is addictive. In the mid- and late-1990s, Dan was on the team that exposed big tobacco on the West Coast.

Time To Think About The Unthinkable Crisis

As we mark the third anniversary of 9-11, the push for viable crisis communications plans and disaster recovery plans are no longer considered top priorities for many organizations. Unfortunately the timing could not be worse. In this article, Dan Keeney, APR describes the need for an updated vulnerability assessment now, before it''s too late to anticipate the unthinkable.